The 3D Ride to Reality


As a child I personally found it very annoying when friends of my parents I may not have seen for a while would say to me “haven’t you grown!” Well “yes”…most people do…

No this is not a retrospective journey into my past – it is a quick journey into archi-tech(nology) and WOW “how it has grown”!

So put on your ‘Oculus’ and embrace the future!


I thought of all this recently when, after a superb dinner with some clients at their home, I plugged my laptop into their flat screen TV. While enjoying a glass of wine we cruised through their proposed house extension – up in the air; into the living room; out the front and all around. Virtual reality really. 3D modelling actually.

Like a drone we rotated around the building (with landscaping), zoomed in and out, and made some adjustments ‘on-the-fly’. My clients were astounded and it still blows me away and I have been using BIM (Building Information Modelling) for over 10 years.


Let’s face it most people cannot visualise traditional plans and elevations in 3D. Fair enough.

One of the most important benefits of this 3D software is how educated my clients become (and very quickly) about the proposed building. And that’s superb for me as their questions are equally well educated.


To put this back into perspective (pun intended), I graduated from Melbourne University Architecture in 1991 with NO computer education.

In fact we were taught how to hand draw a single axonometric 3D drawing – which took up to a day!

Where does it end?…well you know it doesn’t. 3D printing; photomontage; augmented reality; virtual reality; and renderings indistinguishable from reality. It’s all here already and very exciting!

And it means I NEVER have to HAND draw a full set of working drawings again – well that’s a massive relief…


*photomontage image above of Soudan House (alterations & additions project: currently at documentation stage).

If you want to chat about your project and beginning the ‘3D Ride to Reality’ – then feel free to call me at The Edge Studio on (03) 9090 7460.